Monday, July 21, 2014


Well, someone out there has recieved a letter. CONGRATULATIONS! That is a nice sized chunk of a word.
Today I suppose I made progress. How typical.
I want to order materials, but the shipping is far too much for my liking. What a pity.
I need spheres. Perfect spheres. 14mm, 23mm, 32mm, 16mm (most likely comes in a marble that I have), 24mm (another marble size, I think), 11mm, and 18mm (flexible size, could size up).

Okay, looked it up. 12mm, 25mm, 14mm, 16mm, and 19mm are all standard sizes. FANTASTIC. That leaves 23mm and 32mm. Those two are my two least flexible sizes and will be harder to find. I have found 23 mm, but it is a bit expencive. Worth getting, though.
OH. 32mm=1.25 inches. I'll try looking in inches. 23= .9 inches, a bit harder, though I've found it.
I'll just have to look at my marbles. I have a 16mm on the large side, a 24 on the large side, and unfortunatley that's it. I'll have to look around.

Friday, July 18, 2014


And I got new shoes. And I am tired. GOOD DAY, GOOD FRIENDS.
It was a chance, a chance to fly to Mars- a chance to go home.
But there was competition.
Being one of the 1% most intelligent people on the planet was lucky. Being acknowledged after sending in a request as one of 600 in 27,000 people was very very lucky.
But what I did today would determine the rest. Only fifteen people on the entire planet could excape the blue planet. Those fifteen would probably be superhumans- or geniuses- the best minds the world has to offer.
But then again, I had done it before, done more than any of them. But what was more likely? One out of 250 million or fifteen out of four billion? I did the math- something so elementary. A grin crept up on my face. I might have just had a chance.

Thursday, July 17, 2014


Circle time circle time everybody circle time.
Today Handy was released. Enough said.
I would like to see The Compleat Al. I can only find it on bit torrent sites with illegal looking advertisements and look as if I simply clicked on something my hard drive would spontaneously combust, and on amazon on VHS for $18 USED. Oh, the humanity.

I read some of my blog post. Your mother should know.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


I watched Weird Al's new video today. I must say, it is utterly fantastic. I can't tell you how many times I've watched it today- I can visualise the looks of each scene perfectly in my head now, and it has only been accessable for the public today.
In other news, I am nearly finished with the leg sculpting. CLAP FOR ME. I just need to bake and sand and create the official knees. The torso needs some work, as it has become misshapen over time. The arms- I don't even know what to do with the arms. It would help if they were all the same color. The face is great. Aside from being slightly asymmetrical, it is perfect to my standards. He's gorgeous. Just needs the back of his head and ears sorted out. And the torso. And the arms. The feet may need a bit of touch ups too. As well as the hands. But the legs are nearly finished- It's been under a year since I even started planning, I think I'm doing good. I will make myself a goal- It will be ready for casting before school starts. YES.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

I belive I have found something truly remarkable.

For some reason, this has been around since 2009 and it's taken until now for me to see it:
Yes. It's wonderful.
I also have seen Weird Al's new video, Tacky. If you havn't seen it, you may never find the latest in Weird Al dance moves.
I got suspenders today.
And a shirt.
Chubber is fat.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

It's Spongebob's birthday tomorrow, according to my iCalendar. Don't let me forget.

I perfected some clay hands today. They need a bit of touch ups and sanding, but they look great on the top side. The mouth isn't too parted anymore, but I'm a little worried about how his chin is turning out. It's something easy to fix anyways. It would be nice to make a push mold for the face to have a starting template for the others- It would just make things so much easier. I just wonder how good it would be without endangering my original. I could cast his face in- NO. Not just for a template at this stage. Forget my speculations and wonderings. Good day, fair citizens of planet Earth, I shall retrieve something from the level up and then let my mind return to a dormant state until the next day. Well, it will likely be the next day when that happens, but ah well. Ah well, oh well, Eh.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

I kicked a kitty

Hello, fair citizens of this planet and all others. I thought I should speak my mind again today. However blank and usual it is. Usually it's not, so I'd think it should be find. I'm not looking at my keyboard, and I won't for quite some time. I'll see how it turns out.  can't see what I've written before, just relying on memory. I woner if it will engage deeper thought=- Not foucusing on spelling, just the intsinctual typing of y fingerx. Second nayture. Ver;y natural to our new day and age. It's rather quiet at this time of night. I like it  though I'm sort of tiring. I had pastatoday. Things go so much quicket ain dreams. Then again, paper can hold a cinnema.  So can the human brain, but you'd have to unravel it to get past the junk and whatever else. I've just realised that my room is predominately blue. I s;u[[osed I made it like that, and on purpose, but that was years ago. It has maintained it's color scheme, just from my color preference and the things I like just so being in that category. I have my yellow submarine stuff, my hot space album on the wall, my other posters, my sgt pepper drawing, that printed out photograpb of freddie mercury I taped up there after I used it as a drawing reference. It looked cool and the printer didn't emess it up, so why shouldn't it be there? I still have that fish I made in fourth grade. It's filled with paper towels for crying out loud. I like the coulors though. All of my favorites, with a couple of random ones thrown in. Like purple. I like purple now. I suppose I wasn't keen on it then, but it is a fine color. And it's held up by a string I muyst have gotten in first grade. Why do I still have this stuff- and how havn't I notised it? It's been years since I put it up, and it hasn't falen down or anything. But still, it hasn't been so long that I shouldn't remember puting  it there. I've got all of this stuff I never use or look at, yet I havn't parted with it yet. My callendar is still on may. My old one was still on october 2011 until I decided to replace it. This one will probably stay on 2014 for another 3 years. Or I'll be out of this room by then, I never can tell. mY SSCULPTING'S LOOKING NICE.
Look at that, I reversed the capslock. I'm glad I caught that XD. Not too many spelling errors, but I have got this annoying m in front of everything I've been typing -->m


Brian looks happy.

I've had this blog for 1373 days now. Someone should clap for me. I could look at my life on here, if I wanted to. Read between the lines of my absent minded typing away. I could never put anything between the lines right up front, as I can't really now, but it's there somewhere. Somewhere there's that odd fellow, smiling at everyone, going about life until it hits him in the face, leaving him to lay face down on a couch or a bed somewhere. Then he gets up, and it continues on again. Like a sinusoidal graph, has highs and lows. The worst of lows, but it always goes back up and sometimes stays there for a while. Losing touch with any aspect of life, from physical to eternal, then getting back up again. "Don't stop me now, I'm having a good time- I don't want to stop at all!" Because the show must go on. Chanting the daily mantra- Whatever it may be- To get him through the day. Sometimes it's rather easy, sometimes it's a piece of cake, and sometimes he just wants to cut it short, get it over with and never see a new day again.
Goodness, it could happen within a day, possibly a few hours. Some bloody thing is bound to set it off, but it always goes away with ignorance. Ignore the pain of doubt. You're doing fine, you're not doing anything wrong. You know you can't. And he realizes, things from God shouldn't make you want to kill yourself. And he's doing alright. He's getting along well, the same old story no matter how far it changes. The time between 10/8/10 and now has seen the day his childhood died abruptly, though he may not have been entirely aware at the time. It had seen the realisation that made him laugh and cry at the same time, making him happy no one else was around to see. It had seen the time when his stomach had sank to an all time low after a moment of stupid bravery, probably more than twice. It would always get better afterwards. Time has watched him put on a smile as a mask in the face of dificulty, but eventually set it straight. It's alright now, that good old odd fellow is doing fine, fantastically so. Except for this unfortunate headache, must be time to end the day and get ready for the next one.

I'm truly sorry if I've disappointed you. But I'm feeling alright today. 

Thursday, July 3, 2014


My pinky is dying on the bit that I cut off, and I will bathe chubber tomorrow AND make tempura yam/sweet potato. YEAH. POTATOES POTATOES TOES TOES POTATOES.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014


I'm making tempura in the future. I think. I'll say how it goes. I'll do tofu, sweet potato, zuchini, and have all of the sauce. It will be most excellent. Then I'll make ice cream with honey, or a very custard like ice cream. I cut a sliver of my pinky off yesterday, mostly just skin, and it stayed on afterwards. Chubber's been happy. Yeah. I'm tired. I had a great dream night before last, but I am too lazy to recount it. I've wrote it down, though. I have muffins, too.