Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Just drawin George Harrison...

it's going quite well, actually, for a picture on actual paper! well, got to get to bed, AND I'M 4762 DAYS OLD!!! =D

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

10 years ago today this world lost one of the best musicians of all time and a very wonderful person...

George Harrison... I wanted to do more for this day, but I just topped it off with playing Here Comes The Sun for the first time on my guitar... of coarse, I'm sure he'd be okay with just that. to think, most people don't even know, this day... but then there's the people who do. and I'm proud to say, I am one of those people. well, it is 21:15, so I think I should get to bed, I'd love to write more, but in order for that I'd be staying up for the next 2 hours... well, I'll leave it at that.